B-Dog / Shredsauce edit contest
Peace all!
Over the last year or so i have noticed a decent amount of people making video edits of my shredsauce character on youtube so i thought i might as well run a contest to see who can make the illest edit with my character in the game! so, here is the contest for you guys!
- Go to my shredsauce character at www.shredsauce.com/bdog/
- Make a 2-3 minute edit of your character and upload it to youtube here is some example edits :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc1SMya0_Wo#t=30 - Make sure to title the edit B-Dog ShredSauce edit – Your Name
-1:30 to 2:00 minutes edits would be recommended i will pick the best edit in relation to flow, style, editing, music choice, and just overall illness. The contest runs from today til Dec. 15th. Winner will win a pair of my old pro model skis that i have skied on that will be autographed with another gift or 2. Winner will be named Dec. 26th, 2014 NOTE: For the skis, i can only ship them to the USA or Canada because of the cost of shipping. BUT, if a Euro, Japanese, or someone else wins outside of North America, i will still make sure to set them up with a gift package!!